The Voise is an Ethereum based music streaming platform. VOICE tokens are the framework for the Voice´s environment, serving as the currency that rewards content creators and is charged to the streamers.
The Voise is an Ethereum based music streaming platform. VOICE tokens are the framework for the Voice´s environment, serving as the currency that rewards content creators and is charged to the streamers.
ICO 상태 | Finished |
토큰 공급량 | N/A |
시작 날짜 | 2017-05-06 |
종료 날짜 | 2017-06-06 |
기금 조성 (BTC) | N/A |
기금 조성 (USD) | 1362203 |
초기가 (USD) | 0.00625 |
보안 감사 회사 | N/A |
ICO 법적문제 | N/A |
ICO 관할권 | N/A |
법적 조언자 | N/A |
블로그 | https://medium.com/@voisecom |
백서 | https://voise.com/whitepaper-voise.pdf |