OAX is a token that can be exchanged for memberships in the DAO and/or its association. Members will be entitled to certain privileges, including but not limited to voting privileges on major operational decisions relating to the openANX platform.
The memberships will work through a tiered structure that allow for simple access, voting privileges or commercial (read: business) solicitation of services on the platform (e.g. escrow, legal, exchange, credit, asset gateway) with the relative number of tokens required for redemption varying with the level of benefits.
OAX is a token that can be exchanged for memberships in the DAO and/or its association. Members will be entitled to certain privileges, including but not limited to voting privileges on major operational decisions relating to the openANX platform.
The memberships will work through a tiered structure that allow for simple access, voting privileges or commercial (read: business) solicitation of services on the platform (e.g. escrow, legal, exchange, credit, asset gateway) with the relative number of tokens required for redemption varying with the level of benefits.
OAX will be holding its ICO on June 22, 2017. There will be a total of 30,000,000 tokens available at the offering.
ICO 상태 | Finished |
토큰 공급량 | 100000000 |
시작 날짜 | 2017-06-22 |
종료 날짜 | 2017-07-04 |
기금 조성 (BTC) | 52,246 ETH |
기금 조성 (USD) | 18756937 |
초기가 (USD) | 0.0020890783 |
보안 감사 회사 | N/A |
ICO 법적문제 | Foundation |
ICO 관할권 | Hong Kong |
법적 조언자 | N/A |
블로그 | https://medium.com/@OAX_Foundation |
백서 | https://www.openanx.org/assets/openANX_White_Paper_Released_Final_ENU_V2.0.pdf |