LocalCoinSwap is a community-owned peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange for cryptocrurrencies and tokens. It allows users to exchange cryptos with several alternative payment methods while distributing 100% of its profits back to LCS token holders. The LCS token is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing holders to receive part of the revenue generated by the P2P exchange, in accordance with the amount of tokens they hold.
LocalCoinSwap is a community-owned peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange for cryptocrurrencies and tokens. It allows users to exchange cryptos with several alternative payment methods while distributing 100% of its profits back to LCS token holders. The LCS token is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing holders to receive part of the revenue generated by the P2P exchange, in accordance with the amount of tokens they hold.
The LocalCoinSwap ICO began on the 15th of March and will last until the 15th of June. The ICO token supply represents 70% of the total supply and will be available for a 0.0004 ETH base price. The ICO funding target is set at $500,000 and the cap is set at $20,000,000.
Token Reserve Split (30%):
The LCS ICO features an escrow agent as well as a bonus campaign and bounties.
ICO 상태 | Ongoing |
토큰 공급량 | 100000000 |
시작 날짜 | 2018-03-15 |
종료 날짜 | 2018-06-15 |
기금 조성 (BTC) | 5,545.384 ETH |
기금 조성 (USD) | 2550876.64 |
초기가 (USD) | 0.0004 |
보안 감사 회사 | Zeppelin Solutions |
ICO 법적문제 | LLC |
ICO 관할권 | N/A |
법적 조언자 | N/A |
블로그 | http://blog.localcoinswap.com/ |
백서 | https://www.localcoinswap.com/LocalCoinSwap_whitepaper_v1.0.pdf |